Rate Your Study Habits & Try These Tips

1. I always use an assignment planner to keep track of homework assignments.  
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Always take your planner to class and write down your assignments to make sure you know what they are and when they are due.
2. I plan out my homework time before I start working.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Make a list of tasks and assignments that need to be completed each night. Estimate how long each task will take and decide when you will do it. (See “How To Plan Homework Time” on this blog).  Allocate at least 1-2 hours per night to do homework.
3. I try to study at the same time each day.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Establish a regular time for homework each night. Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your daily schedule.
4. I start studying when planned.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Don’t delay or get distracted when it’s time to start working. Set an alarm if necessary. Procrastinating can disrupt your schedule and negatively impact the quality of your work.
5. I try not to do too much studying at one time.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Avoid fatigue by dividing your homework time into chunks and giving yourself breaks between assignments.
6. I work on my hardest assignment first. 
No/Needs Improvement

 Try this: Your hardest assignment will take the most mental energy to complete. Tackle it first when you have the most energy, then complete easier assignments next.
7. I review my notes before beginning an assignment.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Review class notes before doing working on assignments. This can help prepare you for completing assignments correctly and efficiently.
8. I remove distractions when I am studying.
No/Needs Improvement

 Try this: Use your study time for homework ONLY. Avoid getting off-task. Don’t make calls or send texts during study time. Remove any other possible distractions from your workspace.
9. I know what to do if I get stuck working on an assignment.
No/Needs Improvement
• Try this: Don’t give up – find a solution. Call another student for help. Ask a parent or sibling. Check your teacher’s website. Be better prepared next time!
10. I use weekends to review and catch up on school work.
No/Needs Improvement

 Try this: Use weekend time to for catch up on work. Also use weekend time to review material that you will be tested in later. Set aside time early in the weekend so that it doesn’t slip away from you.
11. I am careful not to lose homework assignments that I have completed.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Always put finished work in the same designated place you so that you will not lose it or forget to take it with you to school.

12. I keep everything in my backpack well organized.
No/Needs Improvement
 Try this: Clean out your backpack on a regular basis (See “How to Organize Your Backpack” on this blog.)

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